Your donations make a world of difference!

In an effort to crowdsource love and save rabbits, Rabbit Savior has created Fund My Bun™. This platform allows you to help individuals facing overwhelming vet bills to help their beloved bunnies. CLICK ON A CAMPAIGN TO DONATE

Accepting Campaign Applications Now

Fund My Bun™ campaigns are fully vetted upon application and all bills are verified before payment. If a campaign is ‘over-funded,’ then the last donors are given the option to receive a refund, transfer their contributions to the Fund My Bun™ general donations account or direct their funds to another campaign of their choice.

Bunny Bear needs your help!

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Donated $0
Goal $10,000

Donate to help Pluto relieve his ear infection

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Donated $0
Goal $1,000

Please help our fighter Alo

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Donated $0
Goal $285

Help Us Give Mazapán a Healthy Smile!

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Donated $0
Goal $2,000

Juicebox’s 2nd Chance at Vet Care He Never Got- But Deserves!

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Donated $100
Goal $3,500

Help Piper Get Her Teeth Fixed!

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Donated $180
Goal $1,700

Bubbly Bun Needs Her Teeth Done

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Donated $0
Goal $950

Help a Sweet Bun in Critical Condition

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Donated $110
Goal $6,700

Help Carrot Live a Full Life

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Donated $330
Goal $5,012

Support Cottontail’s Fight Against Paralysis and GI Stasis

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Donated $0
Goal $990

Help for Hops’ Dental Complications

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Donated $101
Goal $9,500

Dwarfie Jr’s Dental Health Awareness

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Donated $205
Goal $4,000

Support BunBun’s Fight Against E. Cuniculi

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Donations: $145
Goal: $5,000

Steel the Flemish Giant Needs Your Help!

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Donated $101
Goal $8,000

Help For Princess Peach and Mario Family

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Donated $50
Goal $1,000

Bhalu’s eye surgery to remove cataract

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Donated $160
Goal $850

Be Our Beloved Angel’s Guardian!

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Donated $145
Goal $900

Snowy’s Emergency Stasis Surgery

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Donated $295
Goal $3,000

Buns Against Cancer

 Visit Donation Page

Donated $100
Goal $1,200

HoneyBun needs help- fast!

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Donated $2,110
Goal $4,000

Please Help Sweet Little Julie!

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Donated $435
Goal $9,000

Pebbles’ Emergency Vet Visit & Long Term Care

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Donated $115
Goal $2,490

Pumpkin’s Dental Surgery Journey

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Donated $185
Goal $2,000

Thumper’s Megacolon Treatment

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Donated $300
Goal $950

Eggo needs support! Help for one sweet bun!

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Donated $300
Goal $4,000

Help Robbie Hop to Health: Heart Disease & Tumor

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Donated $510
Goal $3,000

Bounce Back with Boba: Surgery Fundraiser

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Donated $900
Goal $2,400

Please Lend a Helping Hand to Stache

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Donated $2,300
Goal $6,000

Assistance for Boe Boe’s Prolonged Hospital Stay

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Donated $350
Goal $3,000