
Yvonne Donachie

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Snowy’s Urgent Medical Journey: Emergency Stasis Surgery

Hello, my name is Yvonne, a proud pet parent of a lovely creature named Snowy. Snowy, who is more than just a pet and is essentially a cherished member of our family, has unfortunately been facing health issues for a while now. She has experienced stasis on several occasions and even had to undergo a dental surgery just last month. This string of health complications has not only been emotionally taxing but also financially straining.

Our pet insurance limit is set at £2000, and we have already exhausted more than half of this amount due to her previous medical needs. This has left us with a remaining coverage of about £850, which is distressingly insufficient considering our current bill. The medical expenses for Snowy’s treatment have already amounted to nearly £2900, and we anticipate that this will escalate by at least £300 in the coming day. This could potentially increase further if Snowy’s condition requires additional care and treatment. The mounting costs are indeed overwhelming, particularly since my mother, Snowy’s other beloved pet parent, has been unable to work and has been dealing with reduced income for the past 5-6 months. Adding to our financial stress, I’m currently unemployed due to my own health issues.

On Monday night, we found ourselves rushing Snowy to emergency surgery to remove fur, gas, and fluids that were causing her critical health problems. The procedure was necessary but intense, and Snowy is now dealing with a significant amount of pain. She has been put on strong pain medication to help her cope. As part of her post-surgery recovery, she required intubation and has also received fluids and undergone various investigations to ensure her health is monitored closely. Currently, she is struggling with her food intake and is not eating on her own. The incision from this major surgery is about 15cm long – a testament to the severity of her condition.

We are reaching out to you today to ask for your support. Snowy means the world to us. She is a sassy little creature with a heart full of love. She brings laughter into our home, gives us strength during challenging times, and fills our lives with immeasurable joy. Her bonded partner, Stitch, misses her deeply. It’s their third night apart, and we can see how much he yearns for her presence. Despite her health issues, Snowy continues to exhibit toughness and resilience. Her spirit remains unbroken and we are incredibly proud of her!

Any support, no matter how small, would be greatly appreciated. Together, we can help Snowy on her journey to recovery.


Donations: $295
Goal: $2,359