
Emma Gachagua

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Help a Sweet Bun in Critical Condition

Hello everyone, my name is Emma, and I’m fundraising for my sweet bunny, Ella. In just one week, Ella has become very ill. It all started with her thumping repeatedly for 10-15 minutes. At first, we thought she might have sensed an animal outside, but then she became lethargic, refused to let us touch her (despite being such a social bunny), and stopped drinking water.

We took her to her primary vet, where she was diagnosed with GI Stasis. An X-ray suggested there was an obstruction in her abdomen, and the vet advised that Ella needed immediate care at an emergency hospital. Unfortunately, the first ER we went to had limited resources and couldn’t do much for her. They checked her temperature and heart rate, discovering that her heart rate was abnormally low, but that was all they could do. The visit cost $225 and ended up being a referral to another ER with more specialized exotic vets.

At the new ER, Ella has been in the intensive care unit for the past four days. Thankfully, the vet determined there was no obstruction, but there is a serious underlying cause that’s triggering her GI stasis. She’s been on IV fluids, an IV catheter, antibiotics, and more to stabilize her, but the tests have all been inconclusive. The ultrasound didn’t provide clear answers either, as the pancreas wasn’t visible. There’s an abnormal amount of fluid in her abdomen, her blood sugar is extremely low, and her heart rate remains low. The vet suspects it could be a microscopic tumor on her pancreas or a severe infection.

Sadly, Ella’s condition is worsening. She’s now showing neurological symptoms like head tremors, twitching, and even lunging into walls. It’s heartbreaking to see her health decline so quickly. The current plan is to increase her pain medication and consider steroids.

As a college student, these mounting vet bills have become a financial nightmare, especially with the start of a new semester and school fees to pay. It feels like everything is happening at once, and it’s taking a toll on my own health. I love Ella dearly, and any financial assistance would bring some comfort during this difficult time.

Thank you so much for reading this. Ella is more than just a pet; she’s my best friend. You don’t realize how loving these creatures are until you spend every day with them. She lives in my room, so I wake up and go to sleep seeing her beautiful face. She brings endless joy to my life, and the thought of losing her is unbearable. I miss having her home. I miss holding her in my arms, watching her get juice all over her chin from veggies, seeing her flop, feeling her soft fur against me, and receiving her sweet kisses—just everything about her.


Donations: $110
Goal: $6,700